Inspired by SKAM Theatre's annual festival of short plays, Theatre Nutshell produces plays that are formally inventive and challenge who we think we are.
Leechtown travels centuries in ten minutes. A hopeful goldseeker on his way to Leechtown in 1856 morphs into a present-day homeless man heading to find work in the Alberta oilsands. In its first production, Leechtown starred actors Grace Le and Alex Judd and was directed by Andrew Wheeler. It was written by Sara Cassidy. In the ten-minute Prop, to launch at SKAMpede 2018, two fast-food workers on a break see the light: history is written by those with the props. With Grace Le and Lili Michaelis-Martin. Dramaturgy by David Geary. Directed by Andrew Wheeler. Script by Sara Cassidy. Contact us for more information, and for scripts of past work. |